Friday, September 27, 2019

September 27th Hums

First off, thanks for a great Terry Fox Run!  You all did awesome.  It was cold and wet, but hey, here's a picture of Terry catching his breath running in the rain.

In other news, I've been really impressed with how the Letters to the Shogun have been turning out.  Remember, they are due on Monday unless you already handed them in, and we begin our Mythology presentations on Monday as well.  Have a wonderful weekend all.  See you Monday.

Practice Dad Joke of the Week: Two guys walk into a bar.  The third one ducks.

Link to Mix and Flow Unit in Science Textbook

I have attached a link to the first unit in the science textbook, if you would like an additional resource for the mix and flow unit! It can be found under important links on the right side bar.

Have a great weekend. Great job on the Terry Fox Run today.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

September 26 - Smath

We had our first lab in science today! We had fun separating (and attempting to separate) three different mixtures. I meant to take some pictures to post but forgot! I am looking forward to what should be a great discussion when we debrief our findings on Monday. Reminder that your notes are due Monday and the remainder of the groups will present their Separation Technique research assignment.

If you haven't returned your Science Safety Contract yet, make sure to bring it in ASAP :)

In math we will be continuing to work on Surface Area next week.

Be sure to bundle up for the Terry Fox Run tomorrow!

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sept 21st Hums

Just wanted to mention how great it was to get a chance to meet so many of your parents on Thursday and Friday.

The mythology projects continue apace, and since we've finished up the Sengoku Jidai we should be about ready to start getting into the main course (pun intended -gotta work on those dad jokes-) of Edo Japan next week. 

Also, just a reminder that the Terry Fox run is this Friday.  This is always an important day for me. I've been teaching long enough that I've lost count of how many students I've taught who've either been affected by Cancer themselves or had their friends, family members or loved ones affected.  Cancer sucks, it doesn't discriminate, and the funds raised every year by the Terry Fox run's all across the country really do make a huge difference in the research being done on the disease.  

Friday, September 20, 2019

September 20 Update

This week we started talking about classification of matter. I have attached the link to a quick summary of the lesson.

Classification of Matter Summary

We had fun watching the separation of milk!

I hope to have our first math quiz marked and back next week.  

Have a great weekend. 
See you Monday!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

SMATH this week

Great job on the WHMIS presentations this week! We are moving on to Classification of Matter in Science tomorrow.

We will have one more period to finish up the Isometric Dot Art in Math. There will be a 3-D shape view quiz on Thursday.

Reminder- Early dismissal on Thursday and no school on Friday for "Meet the Teacher" time.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Smath Update

Camp Chief Hector team building 
What a great week for the grade 8's with our first field trip to Camp Chief Hector!

Science- Reminder that WHMIS presentations will take place on Monday and our Science Lab Safety Quiz is now moved to Tuesday.

Math - We will continue with the shape and space next week moving into isometric drawing.  I really enjoyed the rope shape making on Friday and your convincing arguments that you had done it correctly!

Creating 3D shapes with rope

Friday, September 13, 2019

September 13th update

So we finished up another great week this week.  Many shenanigans were had out at Camp Chief Hector yesterday and it was wonderful getting to know all of you a bit better outside of the classroom.

For Monday please make sure you have your reading log and your current events log started in the shared folder.  Try to make sure you are staying on top of both over the course of the year.  They are easy to keep current on, but very difficult to catch up if you fall behind.

Also, remember your "Word of the Year Art" is due on Monday.  I've seen some great stuff so far and I'm looking forward to getting a bit more colour up in the classroom.

Have a great weekend and we'll see you on Monday.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Hello 8-3 and 8-4!

Science this week has been all about safety. Before we can have "fun" in the lab, we need to understand behaviour and safety expectations. I will have a safety contract for you and your parents to sign later this week.

Here is a link to the slides we covered in class on HHPS and WHMIS symbols. Be ready to present your WHMIS research project on Friday!

In Math we have started into our Shape and Space unit. We have been working with cubes to create 3-D objects from given 2-D views and will move onto nets later this week.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Welcome to the 8-3, 8-4 Blog!

Hello and welcome.  This post is mostly just a test to make sure formatting looks OK but I figured I would put a few quick reminders on it as well.

1) We are still missing a few demographic forms.  The office would really like to get these back, signed (even if nothing changed) ASAP.

2) Things are coming together for our team building excursion this Thursday!  As an added bonus it looks like it might be the one and only day this week that the sun is scheduled to make an appearance.  I suspect that it will still be pretty wet out at Camp Chief Hector though so I'd make sure you dress assuming you're going to get a bit muddy.  Pro tip!  An extra pair of dry socks in your backpack can make the drive back a lot more pleasant.  I understand that the 25 dollar fee for the trip has not yet appeared on your MyCBE account, but I'll update the blog and send out a note over messenger as soon as it is live.

Check D2L

Just a friendly reminder from Mrs. C to say that I will be transitioning away from the blog so check d2L. 😃 I also wanted to let you kno...