Friday, February 21, 2020

Science Slides from February 21

Hello 8-3 and 8-4.

As mentioned, here are the slides from our brief science discussion today. Please take the time to refer to previous notes if there were any Kahoot questions that you struggled with today.

Science Notes from Feb 21

Reminder that the eye activity is due on Monday and there is a quiz on the multiplication of fractions on Wednesday. As usual, I will be available for additional support Monday at lunch.

Have a great weekend.

Hums Feb 21st

So we started exploring the MLA citation style in preparation for the big research position paper that we'll be starting next week.  Most of you should have a list of 3 Renaissance figures you are interested in exploring a bit further before picking one to serve as the subject of you paper but if you don't, make sure you have them picked out for Monday.

We're nearing the end of Animal Farm.  It's been a heck of a ride so far.  We've had a lot of really good discussions about the rise of totalitarianism and how a society can let itself fall into that sort of trap.  We should be wrapping it up next week.

Last thing I wanted to touch on is an article I found that expands on the current events discussion we were having around the railroad blockades that have paralyzed shipping across the country.  It is an interview with one of the Wet'suwet'en matriarchs who is opposed to the protests.  I think it does a good job of underscoring just how complicated the issue is and why it has been so challenging to find a solution.

Link to Globe and Mail article.

Saturday and Sunday are the strongest days.
Because Monday to Friday are week days.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Optical Phenomena


I have attached a link for the consolidated notes from your Optical Phenomena presentations today.

8-4 Optical Phenomena

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Science Test Homework

Hello families of 8-3 and 8-4 students.

They are coming home this evening with their latest science test. Their homework is to walk through the test with you and have you sign it. I'm looking to expand my autograph collection :-)

I have also asked them to write a short reflection on the back of the test.

I want to know:

1) What they did well and what contributed to their success.
2) If they did not do as well as they hoped, what could they have done to improve their mark?
3)What could I have done to better support their learning during this unit.

I have also placed a link on the right hand side of the blog to edquest. This website is a great supporting resource to the units we are covering this year.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Using Radiation Task

You have been assigned two of the following types of electromagnetic radiation to research and explain.

Your task

1) Find and explain one specific technology that either uses, produces or detects the type of electromagnetic radiation.

2) Describe why each type of technology and that type of radiation is important or helpful to humans.
·               Radio waves
·               Microwave
·               Infrared waves
·               Ultraviolet (UV) light
·               Visible light
·               X-rays
·               Gamma Rays

Check D2L

Just a friendly reminder from Mrs. C to say that I will be transitioning away from the blog so check d2L. 😃 I also wanted to let you kno...