Friday, November 29, 2019

Science in the News

Here is a link to the slides and resources for today's science task. The write up is due on Monday if you didn't get it finished in class.  Please place it in your shared folder on the drive.

Science in the news - Week 1 - Seabins

Reminder that the Pythagorean Practice worksheets are due on Monday as well. The first sheet and questions 1-6 on the second sheet.

Happy Weekend!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Folk Tale Task Sheet

Here is the task sheet for the Folk/Fairy tale assignment.  Please remember, you need to be logged in with your school google account for the link to work properly. 

Task Sheet

Monday, November 25, 2019

Bill Nye Simple Machines

For those band students that were away at camp, we watched the Bill Nye Video on Simple Machines. The topics were all discussed in class today but this video is worth a watch to review today's lesson and for the entertainment factor!

Bill Nye - Simple Machines

Friday, November 22, 2019

Mechanical Systems textbook link

New Science Unit

I have added a link to the textbook resource for the Mechanical Systems Unit we are starting. You can find it under the Important Link Section on the right hand side of the page.

I enjoyed chatting with your parents about all the projects you have been working on the last couple of months.

Have a great weekend. See you on Monday!

Nov 22 Hums

Hopefully everyone had a great time at band camp over the past couple days.  For those of you who missed out on it, we watched these Youtube videos while you were gone.

One of the things that, even to this day we use to almost define a culture is their food.  When people think of India their thoughts often turn to Curries, spice, and Naan bread.  Japan brings to mind Sushi and Yakisoba.  England makes us think of Fish and Chips, Mushy Peas, and Meat Pies.  Even within Canada we think of Fish and Lobster from the Atlantic provinces, Poutine and Maple Syrup from Quebec, and of course, our own Alberta Beef.

Food also has class connotations.  We all know of the starving college student stereotype, surviving on Raman noodles and stale hot dog buns.  Contrast that with the wall street banker buying a 100 dollar steak for lunch every day.

That begs the question, what did food look like in England during the Middle Ages?  This is a short youtube series looking at how people across four main classes within the medieval world ate.  It also provides a very interesting look at how class was reflected in the food that was eaten.

Youtube Playlist Medieval Food

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Nov 20 SMATH Update

Mid Unit Review

I have posted a link to the Mid-Unit Review in case you forget to bring yours home over the weekend.

Reminder that we have a small quiz on Monday (4 questions) to check your understanding of squares and square roots before we move on to Pythagorean theorem.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Nov 17th Hums update

Sorry for the delay in getting this out.
Much excitement was had with the dry run of our Japan museum.  The artefacts look great.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share them with their folks during student-led conferences later this week.

Just as a reminder, the student leds for humanities at least will be hosted in the Learning Commons, not the classroom.

Also, I'm not 100% sure if it is going to work out, but we are trying to organize another opportunity for the kids are away at Band Camp to show their folks their work.  I believe it is tentatively pencilled in for Friday afternoon on the 29th, but I'll update those affected as soon as I know more.

Don't forget, the Japan Unit test will be on Tuesday and the final artists statement for your aftefact is due on Thursday.  I've also attached a link to the question bank because there are a few people who left it at school.

Remember, you are allowed to bring in the question sheet with notes on it, and the test will be one of those questions but even I don't know which one yet, so make sure you study them all.

Dad Joke of the Week:
Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?
Great food, no atmosphere.

Friday, November 15, 2019

November 15th SMATH Update

Measuring Line Segments

Measuring Line Segments Worksheet

Hello 8-3 and 8-4. I have included a link to the example slides from class to support your homework for the weekend. Reminder that questions 3-10 on the Measuring Line Segment Practice Worksheet is due Monday. I have also included a link to the worksheet.

I really enjoyed walking through all of your museum exhibits today.

Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

November 12th Smath Update

Hello 8-3 and 8-4. I have included a link to the key slides from today.  In Science, we finished off the Mix and Flow unit. We will have tomorrow's period to review for the Unit Test on Thursday.

Pressure & Pascal's Law

Today in Math we investigated factors and what factors can tell us about square numbers. I have included the slides here (We covered from 9 on today but I included a few earlier slides with key words and definitions for this unit in case you didn't get the definitions down)

Factors & Square Numbers

Have a great night!

Reviewing the divisibility rules may be helpful when finding factors.

Friday, November 8, 2019

November 8th Hums Update

So the Japanese museum projects have been coming along very well.  Unfortunately we weren't able to spend quite as much time in the woodshop and other CTF spaces as I had hoped, because a few students had difficulty in respecting the spaces we had available.  The projects still look pretty awesome. 

Make sure you take the time to finish them up, and we'll start working on our artists statements and the plaques so we will be ready to go for Student Led conferences.

Dad Joke of the Week:
Why are spiders so smart?
They can find anything on the web.

Outstanding Work

Volume and Surface Area Word Problems

3D Sculpture Task & Rubric

Hello 8-3 and 8-4. There are many of you that still have not handed in the Volume and Surface Area Word Problems or the 3D sculpture task. I have attached links to them here and have extra copies in the classroom if you have misplaced yours.

Please choose 2 questions from the word problems to do but do a very thorough job on them! In order to get full marks, I want to see your formula, all calculations, a solution including units and a sentence stating your solution.

Bring your sculptures and the supporting work in as soon as possible. This assignment is a major piece of this unit.

Have a great long weekend.

If you haven't already submitted your slowest fluid write up to me, there is a firm deadline of Tuesday! Please make sure it is in your shared folder!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

SMATH Update Nov 5th

Mix and Flow Unit Review - We will spend some time reviewing this unit next week but in the meantime you can refer to this link for key words and concepts that you should have an understanding of. Reminder that the Mix and Flow Unit test is on Thursday, November 14th.

Key Dates: Your 3D sculpture is due! Make sure to refer to the assignment criteria and rubric before submitting.

Your Slowest Fluid Write Up is due on Friday, November 8th. You will have two more full class periods to work on it.

The Remembrance Day Assembly is on Friday. I will have poppies for everyone. If you would like to bring a donation in for the poppy, I will take them down to the office.

And since Mr. Ibbitson always has fantastic Dad jokes...I thought I'd throw in a math joke, especially since it relates to the unit we started today!

Friday, November 1, 2019

November 1st Hums Update

It's so great to be back in the saddle again.

At any rate, we have gotten started working on our Japan museum project.  We begin construction next week and it looks like there are some pretty awesome projects in the works.  Remember to start bringing in any materials you need next week, and make sure you show me your blueprint before you get started.

Dad Joke of the Week:
Why didn't the skeleton eat any halloween candy?
He didn't have the stomach for it!

Check D2L

Just a friendly reminder from Mrs. C to say that I will be transitioning away from the blog so check d2L. 😃 I also wanted to let you kno...