Tuesday, November 5, 2019

SMATH Update Nov 5th

Mix and Flow Unit Review - We will spend some time reviewing this unit next week but in the meantime you can refer to this link for key words and concepts that you should have an understanding of. Reminder that the Mix and Flow Unit test is on Thursday, November 14th.

Key Dates: Your 3D sculpture is due! Make sure to refer to the assignment criteria and rubric before submitting.

Your Slowest Fluid Write Up is due on Friday, November 8th. You will have two more full class periods to work on it.

The Remembrance Day Assembly is on Friday. I will have poppies for everyone. If you would like to bring a donation in for the poppy, I will take them down to the office.

And since Mr. Ibbitson always has fantastic Dad jokes...I thought I'd throw in a math joke, especially since it relates to the unit we started today!

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Check D2L

Just a friendly reminder from Mrs. C to say that I will be transitioning away from the blog so check d2L. 😃 I also wanted to let you kno...